Register Now

    Gender *

    Reason for joining *
    For general fitnessFor any specific injury recoveryTo stay healthyOthers

    Any health issues? *
    Back PainKnee PainArthritisHeart DiseasesDiabetesPCOS/PCODStressHerniaNoneOther

    Any previous experience in Yoga/Exercise *
    Never done beforeOccasionallyRegularly but need guidance

    Class Level *
    Level 1 – Beginner ClassLevel 2 – Intermediate ClassLevel 3 – Advanced ClassTherapy yogaAll Level Class

    Schedule Preference *
    Morning Session 11:00AM to 1:00PMEvening Session – 5:00PM to 8:00PMAny other timings

    Program Registering For *
    Yoga for women’s healthYoga for kidsYoga for weight managementTherapy yogaYoga for core strengtheningYoga for pregnancyPranayama and yoga nidra WorkshopChakra MeditationMeditation WorkshopKriya WorkshopPhilosophy WorkshopPersonal YogaGroup YogaAdvance Yoga

    Important note
    For yoga classes, it is mandatory to fill the form, after filling the form you will receive an email with detailed information.